Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Zeffirelli and Luhrmans Interpretations of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Free Romeo and Juliet Essays

Zeffirelli and Luhrman's Interpretations of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare was, and will be a great writer for a long time. He has fashioned many intriguing plays which all follow the same themes: death, fate and love. Life in the Elizabethan times was very basic and all types of people liked to be entertained. Many people attended his plays so it was important for him to not offend anyone in his plays. Shakespeare cleverly added puns to his plays to make it funnier and also so no one would get offended. As Shakespeare's main aim was to entertain, he enjoyed making comedic plays, however after the death of one of his twins, he began to write tragic plays, for example Romeo and Juliet. This among many of Shakespeare's plays is a tragic love story that was 'fated' from the start. Romeo and Juliet is a chronicle about two teenagers falling in love as soon as they set eyes upon one another. When they realise that they are both in families that despise each other for reasons that are not even known, it is too late. They are forced to get married in secret as Juliet is promised to Paris. After their serene marriage there is a contrast, as there is a dramatic scene change, due to Romeo being banished for the death of Tybalt in act 3 scene 1. Act 3 scene 1 is regarding the death of Tybalt and Mercutio. It begins with Mercutio and Bevolio walking the sweltering streets of Verona, when along comes the Capulets who seek Romeo. Mercutio questions why they need to speak with Romeo and begins to 'egg' Tybalt on: 'and what a word with one of us? Couple it with something; make it a word and a blow' Romeo enters the scene after coming back from his wedding, and becomes aware of the situation. He refuses to accept Tybalt's challenge as he is now related to Tybalt: 'And so, good Capulet, which name I tender as dearly as my own, be satisfied' Mercutio is mortified that Romeo is refusing to fight Tybalt and takes

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