Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Manipulative Media Essay Example for Free

Manipulative Media Essay Far beyond providing leisure and entertainment, mass media’s value and importance can be observed on its ability to deliver or disseminate highly relevant and socially-significant information. Other than books and scholarly works, mass media perform the role of an overtly accessible library that is carefully designed to meet the public’s information needs and demands. Various forms of mass media such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television enabled mankind to gain insights within the comfort of their homes. But with the emergence of the World Wide Web, accessing and spreading information have never been this easy. A simple click can generate tons and tons of data and statistics. Indeed, mass media have readily conquered the world. Nowadays, it seemed that media outfits and institutions have transformed into what Habermas referred to as the so-called â€Å"public sphere (qtd in Davies 3). † However, a closer examination of the matter clearly shows that mass media’s functions extend beyond providing information. It cannot be denied that media outfits are one of the most influential and powerful institutions in any given society. It is highly capable of shaping the public’s views and opinions. Likewise, media channels can instigate or prompt mass actions. For so many years, exposes and published investigative reports have been very instrumental in raising the public’s awareness which eventually lead to different types of social movements. Indeed, constant exposure to different media content can alter one’s behaviors and attitudes. But then again, the seemingly invincible influence of mass media has been overtly abused and exploited. To a certain extent, media has transformed into a manipulative machine that no less than promote the capitalistic aims of the ruling class. Media channels deliberately and systematically distort messages and news stories that leave the public as mere passive consumers. The fabrication of facts and exaggeration of events are intentionally performed to garner high ratings and the intention to inform is blatantly ignored and taken for granted. Manipulation and deceit: Mass media as Ideological State Apparatuses Mass media, together with the church, family and educational system are concretely identified by Althusser as forms of Ideological State Apparatuses (ISA) (Gabbard Ross 185). ISAs are readily employed to promote the interests of the state. Given the capitalistic nature of many societies, it can be argued that ISAs reflect the affairs and concerns of the ruling class. ISAs utilize a subtle attack wherein the individual’s ideological and political consciousness are molded and shaped. This is primarily performed to secure the ruling class’ positions in the economic, social and cultural hierarchy. The attack is described as subtle since the suppression and repression are not directly felt. The use of force and violence are hardly felt. Thus, whenever there is suppression, manipulation occurs regardless of whether it is directly or indirectly manifested. In as far as mass media is concerned, these institutions have been operating as lucrative business endeavors that places heavy emphasis on profit accumulation. This scenario readily displaces mass media’s role as â€Å"watchdogs† that secure the government’s accountability and responsibility to the public. Media, in recent years have long been obsessed in commoditizing media contents that range from news, music, film, variety shows and television programs. Profiteering dictates the name of the game and this can be only achieved if the public is lured into consuming different media products that are nonetheless insignificant. The public is made to believe that the things they see in television; the ones that they see in the television; the numerous advertisements that they encounter would satisfy their needs for knowledge and information. As a result, unethical practices in journalism, broadcasting and even advertising for that matter, became ordinary phenomena. A classic example of media manipulation can be observed in the overt sensationalism of crime and rape stories. These situations are highly experienced in print media and television. More often than not, many editors utilize catchy headlines to garner the public’s attention. Acts of murder and violence are blown out of proportion and are presented vividly in news stories. Featured articles turn red since much focus is given on the event’s gory and bloody details. Horrific photos of the crime scene are readily shown to catch the audience’s attention. Likewise, television news programs are bombarded with an avalanche of bloody video clips and footages. As Anderson and Although it is true that crime and violence are concrete social realities, the exaggeration of these events generally takes the public away from the real issue—that criminal acts are social ills that must be confronted and readily resolved. However, what happens in the newsroom is that crime stories are treated as a spectacle of the victim’s death or suffering. Anderson and Looney explained that many journalists and broadcasters have been operating under the principle that â€Å"when it bleeds, it leads (271). † This basically explains the high importance given to crime stories. Yet, this scenario leads to yet another problem. The (high demand) for crime stories due to sensationalism, tends to topple other important events that are worthy of media attention. The public is programmed to see crime stories as far more important compared to stories that tackle health or technologically-related subjects. Under this context, media is not necessarily performing its role as a reliable source of information. Rather, this institution is simply treating these stories as commodities that should be sold and consumed by the public. If sensationalism occurs, accuracy and integrity are highly compromised. Evidently, the above-mentioned scenario showcases mass media’s agenda-setting function. According to O’Hair et al agenda-setting is the process in which the public is made to believe that certain topics are highly important and thus requires utmost attention (68). Agenda-setting initially occurs in the selection of news stories that are delivered to the public (O’Hair et al 68). News desks and editors choose topics and articles that they perceive as something that would elicit a big impact to their target audience. Afterwards, these topics are constantly shown into the public. O’Hair et al mentioned that the priority given to these stories readily affect the viewer’s perception (68). As a result, stories that are often seen in the newspapers’ front pages of given long airtimes in television are immediately perceived by the audience as something relevant and significant. When certain issues are constantly placed in the limelight, they immediately become important even though in reality, there are other events that deserve the attention. Aside from crime stories, media’s agenda-setting role is also seen during the 9/11 attacks. Much of the television news programs and newspapers devoted much of their time in covering such incident. Even though the attacks are worthy of the attention, this does not discount the fact that there are other aspects of society that also needs to be tackled. There are also other situations that demand public attention. Unfortunately, the event’s massive appeal is something that media owners cannot possibly ignore for this would also mean an increase in their ratings, which in turn, would attract many advertisers. Speaking of advertisers, it can be observed that advertising, more than anything else has mastered the art of agenda-setting. Advertising agencies exploit various media channels in order to sell and market their respective products. As much as possible, advertisers would utilize each and every medium to catch the viewer’s attention and thus persuade them to patronize the goods that are marketed towards them. Take for example the case of the fast-food giant, McDonalds. By the time an individual opens his or her television, a McDonalds commercial is shown. The same thing happens when one reads a newspaper and turns on the radio. Similarly, McDonald billboards are scattered in the streets. Now, with the rise of emerging technologies, McDonalds has also made its presence felt in the World Wide Web. Advertising is mainly focused on product promotion and marketing. Therefore, aside from utilizing media channels, advertisements also rely on the use of flowery language and visually-appealing materials to convince their target audiences. Some would even utilize celebrities and high-profiled individuals to endorse their products. But then again, the problem with this kind of set-up is that commercials do not divulge the truth to their consumers. For example, fast food are being marketed as goods that can satisfy the gastronomical needs of consumers, without really rendering o devoting too much time for food preparation. However, fast-food in reality, are known for having high-calorie content and is considered as the primary cause of obesity that could also lead to other chronic diseases such as diabetes, for example. Theses hidden truths are kept from the public via the use of mouth-watering images of food. With celebrity endorsements, the product’s credibility and importance are further highlighted. Although media channels are fully aware of the flaws and negative effects of a particular product, these advertisements are continuously delivered to the public. This basically stems from the fact that media outfits rely on advertisements for financial support. A two-minute airtime and a small space in newspapers are pretty expensive. Thus, such situations are readily permitted and tolerated. In the meantime, mass media also employ stereotyping to manipulate the audience. Certain groups or individuals are presented negatively. This scenario can be seen in many films and television programs. For example, Asian actors and actresses are constantly stereotyped as villains in many Hollywood films (Larson 20). A critical observation shows that Asian artists often take the bad guy’s role in many featured films. In a recently released film, The Mummy, Jet Li performed the antagonist’s character. Although other Asian artist such as Maggie Cheung was presented as one of the protagonists, this did not erase the fact that in multicultural movies, Asians would always play the evil character. The Mummy is no different from other films such as Kill Bill. Indeed, it is true that Uma Thurman’s mentor, Pai-Mei possess great marshal arts skills. However, it cannot be denied that Pai Mei trains individuals that are involved in criminal acts. Apparently, the dual characterization of Asian actors and actresses is simply a futile attempt to abolish stereotyping and to a certain extent—discrimination. On the other hand, as for the case of television programs, it can be seen that many shows have influenced the body perception of many teenagers. More often than not, mass media constantly redefines the meaning of true beauty. In many television shows, a woman becomes beautiful if she has a slender figure. There are many instances in which television programs have blatantly shown how over-weight individuals are bullied and verbally-abused. Consequently, the effects of media manipulation are very alarming. This is most especially true as for the case of young audiences. Teenagers are easily persuaded by what the see in the television, newspapers and the internet. Compared to adults, these individuals are less critical when it comes to various media content that they encounter. For example, over exposure to violence have led many children and teenagers to mimic the behaviors and attitudes that they see (Kirsh 30). Oftentimes, children tend to identify with television personalities. Because of the degree of admiration that they give to these celebrities, some youngsters go to the extent of copying the actions and gestures that they see on screen without ever thinking the possible consequences that their actions might generate. s But then again, it is important that this situation is not experienced by children alone. The increasing rate of rape cases are directly linked to the rapists’ massive exposure to pornographic materials. Individuals that mimic or copy violent behaviors perceive criminal acts as no less than ordinary occurrences. Thus, the possible damages that it may inflict or produce are no longer taken into consideration. Deviant acts are reenacted primarily because desensitization (Allison Cross 125) has already occurred. Relatively, media manipulation has also created a highly consumerist culture. The massive influx of advertising and its use of compelling taglines and attractive images have resulted to the creation of false needs. The public are unconsciously forced to consume goods or commodities that they do not really need. Fast foods, for example are pretty low when it comes to its nutritional content. Yet, more and more consumers are patronizing such products. This readily prevents society from building healthy and productive communities. As more and more individuals suffer from obesity and other chronic diseases, the expenses rendered for health services tend to increase. The money that could have been use for other purposes are now utilized in treating obesity-related ailments. Likewise, media’s stereotypical nature is responsible for creating more societal divisions and fragmentations. It loosens the social fabric that binds each and every individual, regardless of their race and ethnic origins. Discrimination now becomes a difficult challenge to overcome and minority groups are constantly pushed into the periphery. In as far as media stereotyping is concerned, such is also instrumental in the proliferation of negative body perceptions. More often than not, media has been pointed out as one of the leading causes of eating disorders that are experienced by many teenagers Conclusion Stereotyping, agenda-setting and the creation of false needs are some of the tactics employed by media organizations to manipulate the viewers. These activities are performed primarily because media outfits are now more focused on its capitalistic agendas that readily neglect their purpose as information providers. The public are no less than treated and seen as mere customers and not a vital part of society that must be constantly informed and educated. Under these circumstances, critical thinking must be readily practiced and exercised. The public must fully examine the media contents that are presented unto them. Works Cited Allison, Annie and Gary Cross. Millennial Monsters. California: University of California Press, 2006 Anderson, C. Leigh and Janet Looney. Making Progress. Lexington Books: Maryland, 2002 Davies, Maire. ‘Dear BBC’ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001 Gabbard, David and Wayne Ross. Defending Public Schools: Education Under The Security State Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Inc. , 2004 Kirsh, Steven. Children, Adolescents and Media Violence. London: Sage Publications Inc. , 2006 Larson, Stephanie. Media and Minorities. Maryland: Rowman Littlefield Publishers Inc, 2006 O’Hair, H. Dan; Robert Heath, Gerald s Ledlow and Mark Cwiek . Community Preparedness and Response to Terrorism: Communication and the Media. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Inc. , 2005

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