Friday, May 15, 2020

The Evolution of the Modern Family - 927 Words

Today the number of single parents has dramatically risen, there’s no other choice but to accept the rising trend. Becoming a single parent today is more of a choice or an inevitable result of tragedy, rather than an effect of unplanned promiscuity as it is misconceived by many. The modern single parent may choose to parent solo because it has become evident that divorce is better option rather than keeping a child in an unhappy and unstable family living situation. Today’s society has created many obtainable avenues to aid in the single parent’s quest to parenthood. In a world where being a single parent is becoming increasingly common, we must evolve our anachronous mindset that only negative circumstances produce and derive from the home of a single parent. Single-parent families can be defined as families where a parent lives with dependent children, either alone or in a larger household, without a spouse or partner. Until recently, the disfunctionality of no ntraditional families was a self-fulfilling assumption; children without a biological mother and father were stigmatized and shunned. Today a surprising majority of youth are being reared by single parents. More than half the children in the United States will spend part of their growing-up years in a one-parent home. Globally, one-quarter to one-third of all families are headed by single mothers, which calls into question the normalness of couple headed families. Despite the volumes of research available on thisShow MoreRelatedEssay on The History of Human Evolution1517 Words   |  7 PagesThe History of Human Evolution By definition, human evolution is the development, both biological and cultural, of humans. Human ideologies of how the evolution of man came to be is determined by cultural beliefs that have been adopted by societies going back as far as the Upper Paleolithic era, some 40,000 years ago. 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Palaeoanthropus or Homo Neanderthalensis as the closest predecessor of Homo Sapiens 4. Homo Sapiens as the species to which all modern human beings belong and is the only one from genus Homo that is not extinct. According to modern concepts primatesRead MoreThe Evolution of Homonin Tribe from the Time Period of Homo Habilis to Mordern1241 Words   |  5 Pagesclass-mammalia, order-primates, family-Hominidae, genus-Homo and species-sapiens. According to Linnaeus Carlos, scientific way of classifying living organisms (Relethford, 2010). According to Relethford, Hominin is a tribe that comprises of humans and their closest ancestor. Hominin family has shown some resemblances with the evidences collected from fossil records as well as the evolutionary processes to the mordern humans. This article will try to describe the evolution of homonin tribe from the time

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