Saturday, December 28, 2019

business Proposal - Home Depot - 918 Words

Home Depot Student Name Course Date Instructor Name Home Depot Home Depot opened its first home improvement store in Atlanta Georgia in 1978. The company developed a tactical product analysis providing an assortment of products and services to customers. The products Home Depot offers focus on contractors and the do-it-yourself customers, as well as free how to clinics and workshops for children allowing them to build an item onsite in the store. Home Depot has grown into an internationally recognized specialty merchant that markets and delivers 40,000 different building materials, lawn and garden products, home improvement supplies, appliances, and more than 250,000 other products that can be especially ordered (Unknown,†¦show more content†¦Transportation conditions include a routing guide suppliers follow. Pricing strategies involve movement along the Demand curve (McConnell, Brue Flynn, 2011) In a market with high price elasticity of demand, such as a monopolistic competitive market, a small reduction in price will have a large effect on demand. Non-pricing strategies involve shifting the demand curve to the right, such as by a TV advertising campaign. This is a common strategy in markets with low price elasticity of demand, such as oligopolies. Marginal Factors When operating from a global perspective, it is important to understand what patterns arise from the local markets. Being able to provide resources to these local markets is a critical part for a company like Home Depot to institute. From Home Depot’s store support center a global resource merchandise program will be maintained, this will provide customers access to source high-quality products directly from manufacturers around the world. Profit is maximized when Marginal Revenue equals Marginal Cost, to use it, a business needs to know how much it costs to produce one more unit of a service. A business can also use total revenue - total cost method (McConnell, Brue Flynn, 2011). Profit is maximized when the total revenue and total cost curves are farthest apart. Conclusion Home Depot demands the highest levels of product quality, innovation, availability, on-time delivery, safety inShow MoreRelatedHome Depot Business Proposal2903 Words   |  12 PagesHome Depot Business Proposal Easter B. Fulton ECO 561 June 22, 2015 J. Carl Bowman Home Depot Service The Home Depot was founded in 1978 in Atlanta, Georgia as the first home retail store by Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank (Home Depot, 2014). To give an extent of mixes to customers the Home Depot affiliation made key item examination. 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